Apply a pre-emergent weed killer (not a weed and feed) to lawns this month to prevent germination of warm season weed seeds.
Begin planting warm season vegetables this month. Beans, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash can be started while temperatures are cool. For specifics on what can be planted in each region of Florida, check out this awesome reference from UF/IFAS.
Inspect irrigation heads and adjust irrigation based on rainfall.
Orchids are showing their natural blooms and make an ideal bedroom plant as they are essentially nocturnal and create great oxygen while you are sleeping.
Many types of Florida citrus are beginning to show their spring flowers. If you've not yet applied fertilizer, spread your favorite around the trees drip line. Follow the directions on the fertilizer bag.
As your yard begins to emerge from their slight winter dormancy, monitor your garden's moisture paying specific attention to local water management and city codes.
If you've been thinking about rearranging plants in your garden spaces, now is the time. Be careful to dig around the plant's root system and be certain to replant before the roots begin to dry out. Water sufficiently once replanted.
This is a great time to add and prune your roses. Keep the plants to 3 to 7 main stems for best growth.
It may be time to refresh your garden's mulch. Just about any kind is fine, but some gardener's prefer the eucalyptus mulch as it's a Florida product and is plentiful.