
  • Check sprinkler systems for efficient use of water.

  • Plant summer bulbs, tubers, etc. to ensure great summer color. They're excellent choices for small areas where your grass won't grow. Best choices include lilies (blood, crinum, day, rain, spider), caladiums, cannas, elephant ears, amaryllis and society garlic.

  • Your yard will grow rapidly this month! Take advantage of the natural growth and fertilize properly. Be certain ample iron is part of your mix to keep the area looking green and lush.

  • Start replacing cool weather annuals with spring and summer varieties and now's a great time for tomatoes, cantaloupes, watermelon, corn and even pumpkins!

  • Finish up remaining citrus on your trees and remove any uneaten fruits as they continue to draw nutrients that are needed for next year's fruits.

  • It's tropical season, but cold spells can happen. Be prepared.

  • Begin transplanting warm season vegetable seedlings outdoors when the soil has warmed and night temperatures stay above 50 degrees F.

  • As the weather starts to change, it's tempting to start pruning! It's fine for evergreen shrubs and summer bloomers, but spring blooming plants already are preparing their blooms many times where you can't see them. For these items, wait for now!

  • Get perennials in the ground to establish them.



